Friday, March 25, 2011

Road Trip

This is a video (stop motion photography) from when my girlfriend Jordan and I drove from Texas to Michigan. It's from a few years ago and was when she was moving here. In a few weeks, I'll be making that drive again, but this time to move to Texas.

Each day I have someone ask if I'm excited. I answer by saying that I've pretty much felt every emotion there is. It's bittersweet to have to leave my home state in order to see the girl I love, but I am also very excited about all the new things I'll experience. I also am not good with change, so I'm a little hesitant and nervous!

I can't wait to get out on the road - one of my favorite things to do. I've never driven this far on my own, so it's going to be an intensely exciting time. I'll be using the internet and my smart phone to keep everyone as current as possible about what I'm doing. It all starts in about two weeks.

Another exciting thing is that I'll be jumping right in to action once I get to Houston. I've already got a show lined up for the day after I arrive. I'm looking to make an immediate impact and to really entertain some people.

I've had a lot of people wish me well and I truly appreciate it. I'll be back in Michigan whenever I'm able and I'll be sure to keep in contact - especially since I have a 30 minute drive to work!

- Steven' A.

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